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Date: 30-8-2016
Date: 29-8-2016
Date: 13-7-2016
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Two-Dipole Interaction
Two classical dipoles with dipole moments μ1 and μ2 are separated by a distance R so that only the orientation of the magnetic moments is free. They are in thermal equilibrium at a temperature Compute the mean force 〈f〉 between the dipoles for the high-temperature limit μ1 μ2/τR3<< 1.
Hint: The potential energy of interaction of two dipoles is
Introduce spherical coordinates with the ẑ axis along the line of the separation between the dipoles. Then the partition function reads
The potential energy of the interaction can be rewritten in the form
(2) becomes
We can expand the exponential at high temperatures μ1μ2/τr3 << 1 so that
where A ≡ μ21μ22/τ2r6. The first-order terms are all zero upon integration, and we have
where the cross term also vanishes, and we find
The average force is given by
where F is the free energy. So,
The minus sign indicates an average attraction between the dipoles.
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