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Date: 19-2-2016
Date: 2025-01-25
Date: 2025-01-22
Squamous papilloma
• Uncommon lesion, usually seen as a tiny white polyp in the distal oesophagus at endoscopy.
• Cases have been reported in association with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
• Dysplasia is uncommon.
• histology shows a bland squamous epithelium forming papillary projections.
• Uncommon benign smooth muscle tumour arising from the muscular layers of the oesophagus. More common than GI stromal tumours at this site.
• Usually produces a polypoid mass covered by mucosa that may show surface ulceration.
• histology shows interlacing fascicles of bland smooth muscle cells.
Granular cell tumour
• Uncommon neural tumour which can occur anywhere in the GI tract, but most frequently in the tongue and oesophagus.
• forms a small firm, raised mucosal nodule in the lower oesophagus.
• histologically characterized by aggregates of large polygonal cells with conspicuous granular cytoplasm.
• Almost all are benign, though very rare malignant cases have been reported.
Fibrovascular polyp
• rare oesophageal lesion which typically presents with dysphagia.
• Can reach an alarmingly large size (up to 25 cm long!), such that it can regurgitate into the pharynx or mouth.
• endoscopically visible as a pedunculated lesion on a long stalk.
• histology shows a polypoid lesion covered by squamous epithelium with an underlying stromal core composed of loose fibrous tissue, fat, and a prominent vasculature.
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