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Date: 2025-02-08
Date: 19-2-2016
Date: 2025-02-05
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Squamous papilloma
• Benign exophytic proliferation of squamous epithelium.
• Most occur in adults aged 30– 50 y.
• the exact aetiology is unknown but the role of human papilloma virus strains 6 and 11 has been implicated in its causation.
• predilection for hard and soft palates and the uvula. • histology shows papillary fronds lined by squamous epithelium.
• prognosis is excellent. do not undergo malignant transformation.
Fibroepithelial polyp
• Benign proliferation of fibrous tissue in response to irritation/ trauma.
• presents as a painless oral lump in an adult aged 30– 50 y.
• histology shows a subepithelial mass of dense collagenous tissue.
• prognosis is excellent with no inherent tendency to recur.
Peripheral ossifying fibroma
• asymptomatic, slow- growing, pale- pink firm growth of the gingiva.
• Seen mostly in young adult females.
• probably arises from the periodontal ligament due to chronic irritation.
• histology shows randomly dispersed foci of bone, cementum- like material, and dystrophic calcification in a fibroblastic stroma.
• prognosis is excellent. recurrence rate of ~15% if incomplete removal.
Peripheral giant cell granuloma
• painless, well circumscribed, reddish- purple mass on the gingiva, anterior to the molar teeth (mandible > maxilla). Female 30– 50 years of age.
• thought to arise from the periodontal ligament space and the giant cells are of odontoclastic origin.
• histology shows multiple multinucleated giant cells in a vascularized f ibroblastic stroma with haemorrhage and haemosiderin.
• prognosis is excellent. recurrence rate of ~15% if incomplete removal.
Pyogenic granuloma
• Benign vascular lesion, also known as ‘lobular capillary haemangioma’.
• presents as a dark red polypoid mass which often ulcerates.
• histology shows a lobulated proliferation of small blood vessels.
• Caused by blockage or rupture of a salivary gland duct.
• presents as a fluctuant lesion, most commonly on the lower lip.
• histology shows a cystic space filled with mucin and lined by inflammatory tissue.
Amalgam tattoo
• an exogenous pigment associated discoloration of the oral mucosa, composed of granules of silver amalgam used in the filling of dental cavities.
• appears as a grey- black macule of few millimetres in size
• Commonly located on the alveolar ridge, interdental papillae, alveolar mucosa, floor of the mouth, and the vestibule.
• histology shows large amounts of dark metal or brown pigment often coursing along reticulin fibres in the connective tissue especially around blood vessels.
• prognosis is excellent. there is little to no response by the host tissue to the embedded silver amalgam.
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