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Work-Energy Theorem
Professor John W. Norbury
الجزء والصفحة:
p 96
Work-Energy Theorem
Let's review what we have done. Work was defined as and by putting in F = ma we found that the total work is always ΔK where the kinetic energy is defined as
. Thus
So far so good. Note carefully what we did to get this result. We put in the right hand side of F = ma to prove W = ΔK. What we actually did was
Now let's not put but just study the integral
by itself. Before we do that, we must recognize that there are two types of forces called conservative and non-conservative. Anyway, to put it briefly, conservative forces ''bounce back" and non-conservative forces don't. Gravity is a conservative force. If you lift an object against gravity and let it go then the object falls back to where it was. Spring forces are conservative. If you pull a spring and then let it go, it bounces back to where it was. However friction is non-conservative. If you slide an object along the table against friction and let go, then the object just stays there. With conservative forces we always associate a potential energy. Thus any force
can be broken up into the conservative piece
C and the non-conservative piece
NC, as in
and each piece corresponds therefore to conservative work WC and non-conservative work WNC. Let's define the conservative piece as the negative of the change in a new quantity called potential energy U. The definition is
where -ΔU = -(Uf - Ui) = -Uf + Ui. Now we found that the total work W was always ΔK. Combining all of this we have
which is the famous Work-Energy theorem.