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Date: 9-8-2016
Date: 19-8-2016
Date: 29-8-2016
Return of Heat Capacities
In a certain range of temperature τ and pressure p, the specific volume v of a substance is described by the equation
where v1, τ1, P1 are positive constants. From this information, determine (insofar as possible) as a function of temperature and pressure the following quantities:
a) We will again use the Jacobian transformation to find cp - cv as a function of τ, P.
where we used
So, we obtain
Substituting v(τ, P) into (2) yields
b,c) We cannot determine the temperature dependence of cp or cv, but we can find cp (P) and cv (v), as follows:
where F is the Helmholtz free energy, and we used
From (4) and the equation of state, we have
and from (5),
(since v = const implies τ/τ1 = P/P1). Integrating (6) and (7), we obtain
where f1 and f2 are some functions of temperature. Since we know cp - cv from (a), we infer that f1 = f2 ≡ f, and finally
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ممتص الصدمات: طريقة عمله وأهميته وأبرز علامات تلفه
قسم التربية والتعليم يكرّم الطلبة الأوائل في المراحل المنتهية