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مواضيع اخرى

علم الفيزياء : مواضيع عامة في الفيزياء : مواضيع اخرى :

Flyball Governor

المؤلف:  Sidney B. Cahn And Boris E. Nadgorny


الجزء والصفحة:  part 1 , p 19



Flyball Governor

Consider the flyball governor for a steam engine shown in Figure 1.1. Two balls, each of mass m, are attached by means of four hinged arms, each of length l, to sleeves on a vertical rod. The upper sleeve is fastened to the rod; the lower sleeve has mass M and is free to slide up and down the rod as the balls move out from or in toward the rod. The rod-and-ball system rotates with constant angular velocity ω.

 Figure 1.1

a) Set up the equation of motion, neglecting the weight of the arms and rod. Use as variable the distance y between the sleeves.

b) Show that, for steady rotation of the balls, and ω2l/g > (1+ M/m), the value of the height z of the lower sleeve above its lowest point is

c) Show that the angular frequency Ω of small oscillations of z about the steady value z0 is



a) Find the Lagrangian of the system. The kinetic energy


where is the distance of the sleeves from each other and θ is the angle of the hinged rods to the fixed vertical rod (see Figure 1.2). The potential energy


Figure 1.2

Using the relation y = 2lcos θ we obtain for θ ≠ 0


The equation of motion becomes


b) From (3), we may introduce the effective potential energy


Its minimum gives the equilibrium position of the sleeve y0



The angle θ corresponding to (7) is defined by


The condition for stability of the equilibrium of (8) is equivalent to


which can clearly be seen if we write everything in terms of θ and not y. On the other hand, if

(7) and (8) are no longer valid, and y0 = 2l. This corresponds to the stable equilibrium at θ = 0. So the height z0 of the lower sleeve above its lowest point is


c) Taking the time derivative in (4), we obtain


For small oscillations around the equilibrium point y = y0 + η, the quadratic terms of η may be neglected, and we rewrite (11), where y0 is defined in (10) under the conditions in (9)




Where Ω is the angular frequency of a simple harmonic oscillator given by


Now, y0 = 2l cos θ0, and using (9), we eliminate ω2 to arrive at



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