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Date: 21-8-2016
Date: 29-8-2016
Date: 14-8-2016
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Quantum Corrections to Equation of State
Consider a noninteracting, one-component quantum gas at temperature τ, with a chemical potential μ in a cubic volume V. Treat the separate cases of bosons and fermions.
a) For a dilute system derive the equation of state in terms of temperature τ, pressure P, particle density n, and particle mass m. Do this derivation approximately by keeping the leading and next-leading powers of n. Interpret your results as an effective classical system.
b) At a given temperature, for which densities are your results valid?
a) Start with the particle distribution over the absolute value of momentum:
where the upper sign in (S.4.68.1) and below corresponds to Fermi statistics and the lower to Bose (g = 2s + 1). Using ε = p2/2m, we obtain
The total energy is given by
On the other hand, using the grand canonical potential Ω, where
and replacing the sum by an integral, using (2), we obtain
Integrating (5) by parts, we have
Comparing this expression with (3), we find that
However, Ω = F – μN = F – G = -PV. Therefore, we obtain the equation of state, which is valid both for Fermi and Bose gases (and is, of course, also true for a classical Boltzmann gas):
Note that (8) was derived under the assumption of a particular dispersion law ε = p2/2m; for relativistic particles or photons with ε = pc, (8) becomes PV = E/3. From (8) and (3), we obtain
where x ≡ ε/τ. (9) defines the equation of state. To find quantum corrections to the classical equation of state (which corresponds to the case eμ/τ << 1), expand the integral in (9), using exp (μ/τ – x) as a small parameter:
Using Ω = -PV and substituting (10) into (9), we have
The first term, which we may call ΩB, corresponds to a Boltzmann gas with g = 1, and the second term gives the first correction
Using the fact that, for small corrections
we can write the first quantum correction to the free energy F. Using the classical expression for μ in terms of τ and V gives the result to the same accuracy:
we obtain, from (13),
where n ≡ N/V.
b) The condition for validity of this approximation is that the first correction should be much less than unity:
This gives the condition on the density for which (15) is valid:
It is interesting to determine the de Broglie wavelength λdB at this temperature τ. We find that
We see that this approximation is valid when the separation between particles is much larger than the de Broglie wavelength. (16) expresses the same condition as for the applicability of Boltzmann statistics (which implies exp (μ/τ) << 1). Since the chemical potential μ may be written
we see that
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