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Date: 14-8-2016
Date: 18-8-2016
Date: 28-7-2016
Hydrogen in Capacitor
A hydrogen atom in its ground state is placed between the parallel plates of a capacitor. For times t < 0, no voltage is applied. Starting at t = 0,an electric field E(t) = E0e-t/τ is applied, where τ is a constant. Derive the formula for the probability that the electron ends up in state j due to this perturbation. Evaluate the result for j:
a) a 2s state
b) a 2p state
For time-dependent perturbations a general wave function is
where the ѱj satisfy
For the time-dependent perturbation V(t),
From Schrodinger’s equation we can derive an equation for the time development of the amplitudes aj (t):
If the system is initially in the ground state, we have a1S (0) = 1 and the other values of aj (0) are zero. For small perturbations it is sufficient to solve the equation for j ≠ 1S:
The general probability Pj that a transition is made to state j is given by
This probability is dimensionless. It should be less than unity for this theory to be valid.
a) For the state j = 2S the probability is zero. It vanishes because the matrix element of z is zero: 〈2S|z|1S〉 = 0 because of parity. Both S-states have even parity, and z has odd parity.
b) For the state j = 2P the transition is allowed to the L = 1, M = 0 orbital state, which is called 2Pz. The matrix element is similar to the earlier problem for the Stark effect. The 2P eigenstate for L = 1, S = 0 and that for the 1S state is exp The integral is
where a0 is the Bohr radius of the hydrogen atom.
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