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Date: 26-8-2016
Date: 25-7-2016
Date: 29-8-2016
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Charge in Uniform Electric Field
Find the trajectory of a particle of mass m, charge e, in a uniform electric field E, assuming zero velocity parallel to E at t = 0. Sketch the trajectory in the plane of motion.
The plane of motion of a particle will be defined by its initial velocity v and the direction of the electric field E. Let the initial velocity coincide with the x axis and E with the y axis. We may write the equations of motion for a charge in an electric field
where p is the momentum of the particle. Obviously, since there is no force in the direction perpendicular to the x - y plane, the particle will move in this plane at all later times. We can write (1) in the form
Integrating (2) and (3) yields
The energy ε of the particle (without the potential energy due to the field) is given by
where is the initial energy of the particle. The work done by the electric field changes the energy of the particle
Equations (6) and (8) result in
which yields
On the other hand
Substituting px = py and py = eEt into (12) and using t from (11), we find
Integrating (13), we obtain
For the initial conditions x0 = y0 = 0
So the particle in a constant electric field moves along a catenary (see Figure 1.1, where we took e > 0). If the velocity of the particle v << c, then p0 = mv0, ε0 = mc2 and expanding cosh (eEx/p0c), we obtain
which gives the classical result for a charged particle in an electric field. Also note that (10) coincides with the result for uniformly accelerated motion in the proper reference frame, where the acceleration ω0 = eE/m and p0 = 0. Under Lorentz transformations for frames moving with velocities parallel to the electric field E, the field is unchanged.
Figure 1.1
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