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Date: 11-6-2019
Date: 10-10-2019
Date: 16-8-2018
The unique nonnegative square root of a nonnegative real number. For example, the principal square root of 9 is 3, although both and 3 are square roots of 9.
The concept of principal square root cannot be extended to real negative numbers since the two square roots of a negative number cannot be distinguished until one of the two is defined as the imaginary unit, at which point and can then be distinguished. Since either choice is possible, there is no ambiguity in defining as "the" square root of .
دراسة يابانية لتقليل مخاطر أمراض المواليد منخفضي الوزن
اكتشاف أكبر مرجان في العالم قبالة سواحل جزر سليمان
اتحاد كليات الطب الملكية البريطانية يشيد بالمستوى العلمي لطلبة جامعة العميد وبيئتها التعليمية