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Thermionic Emission
Sidney B. Cahn, Gerald D. Mahan And Boris E. Nadgorny
الجزء والصفحة:
part 2 , p 47
Thermionic Emission
a) Assume that the evaporation of electrons from a hot wire (Richardson’s effect) is thermodynamically equivalent to the sublimation of a solid. Find the pressure of the electron gas, provided that the electrons outside the metal constitute an ideal classical monatomic gas and that the chemical potential μs of the electrons in the metal (the solid phase) is a constant.
b) Derive the same result by using the Clausius–Clapeyron equation
where L is the latent heat of electron evaporation. Neglect the volume occupied by the electrons in the metal
a) We can consider the electron gas outside the metal to be in equilibrium with the electrons inside the metal. Then the number of electrons hitting the surface from the outside should be equal to the number of electrons leaving the metal. Using the formula for chemical potential of a monatomic ideal gas, we can write
where g = 2s + 1 = 2 for an electron gas. Rewriting (1), we have
The state of equilibrium requires that this chemical potential be equal to the potential inside the metal, which we can take as μs = -ϕ0; i.e., the energy ϕ0 is required to take an electron from the Fermi level inside the metal into vacuum. So, the pressure of the electron gas is given by
On the other hand, the number of particles of the ideal gas striking the surface per unit area per unit time is
The current
where e is the electron charge. Therefore, we can express P from (5):
Equating (6) with (3), we find the current
Alternatively, we can calculate the current by considering the electrons leaving the metal as if they have a kinetic energy high enough to overcome the potential barrier.
b) For one particle,
where Eg and Es are the energies, and vg and vs the volumes per particle, of the gas and solid, respectively. Since vg >> vs, we can rewrite (8) in the form
Substituting (9) into the Clausius-Clapeyron equation
we obtain
We may rewrite (11) as
Integrating, we recover (2):
where A is some constant, or