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مواضيع اخرى

علم الفيزياء : مواضيع عامة في الفيزياء : مواضيع اخرى :

Energy Fluctuation in Canonical Ensemble

المؤلف:  Sidney B. Cahn, Gerald D. Mahan And Boris E. Nadgorny


الجزء والصفحة:  part 2 , p 44



Energy Fluctuation in Canonical Ensemble

Show that for a canonical ensemble the fluctuation of energy in a system of constant volume is related to the specific heat and, hence, deduce that the specific heat at constant volume is nonnegative.


First solution: For a canonical ensemble:


where β = 1/τ. On the other hand,


Differentiating (2), we obtain


By inspecting (1)–( 3), we find that


Now, the heat capacity at constant volume, Cv, is given by


Therefore, comparing (4) and (5), we deduce that, at constant volume,


or in standard units




Second solution: A more general approach may be followed which is applicable to other problems. Because the probability ω of finding that the value of a certain quantity X deviates from its average value ⟨X⟩ is proportional to eS(X - ⟨X⟩) and denoting x = X - ⟨X⟩, we can write


Note that ⟨X⟩ = 0. The entropy has a maximum at x = 0. Expanding S(x), we obtain


so λ > 0. The probability distribution


x2⟩ = λ, so


If we have several variables,


If the fluctuations of two variables xi, xk are statistically independent,

The converse is also true: If ⟨xixk⟩ = 0, the variables xi and xk are statistically independent. Now for a closed system we can write


where S0 is the total entropy of the system and ∆S0 is the entropy change due to the fluctuation. On the other hand,


where Wmin is the minimum work to change reversibly the thermodynamic variables of a small part of a system (the rest of the system works as a heat bath), and τ is the average temperature of the system (and therefore the temperature of the heat bath). Hence,



where ∆E, ∆S, and ∆V are changes of a small part of a system due to fluctuations and τ, P are the average temperature and pressure. So,


Expanding ∆E (for small fluctuations) gives


Substituting (16) into (14), we obtain


where we used

So, finally


Using V and τ as independent variables we have


Substituting (19) into (18), we see that the cross terms with ∆V ∆τ cancel (which means that the fluctuations of volume and temperature are statistically independent, ⟨∆V. ∆τ ⟩ = 0):


Comparing (20) with (10), we find that the fluctuations of volume and temperature are given by


To find the energy fluctuation, we can expand ∆E:


where we used ⟨∆V. ∆τ ⟩ = 0. Substituting  and from (21), we obtain a more general formula for


At constant volume (23) becomes

the same as before.


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