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Helium Atom
Sidney B. Cahn, Gerald D. Mahan And Boris E. Nadgorny
الجزء والصفحة:
part 2 , p 65
Helium Atom
Do a variational calculation to estimate the ground state energy of the electrons in the helium atom. The Hamiltonian for two electrons, assuming the nucleus is fixed, is
Assume a wave function of the form
where a0 is the Bohr radius, α is the variational parameter, and χs is the spin state of the two electrons.
In the ground state of the two-electron system, both orbitals are in 1s states. So the spin state must be a singlet χs with S = 0. The spin plays no role in the minimization procedure, except for causing the orbital state to have even parity under the interchange of spatial coordinates. The two-electron wave function can be written as the product of the two orbital parts times the spin part:
where a0 is the Bohr radius and α is the variational parameter. The orbitals ѱ(r) are normalized to unity. Each electron has kinetic (K) and potential (U) energy terms which can be evaluated:
where ER = 13.6 eV is the Rydberg energy. The difficult integral is that due to the electron–electron interaction, which we call V:
First we must do the angular integral over the denominator. If rm is the larger of r1 and r2 then the integral over a 4π solid angle gives
In the second integral we have set x = 2αr1/a0 and y = 2αr2/a0, which makes the integrals dimensionless. Then we have split the y-integral into two parts, depending on whether y is smaller or greater than x. The first has a factor 1/x from the angular integrals, and the second has a factor 1/y. One can exchange the order of integration in one of the integrals and demonstrate that it is identical to the other. We evaluate only one and multiply the result by 2:
This completes the integrals. The total ground state energy E(α) in Rydbergs is
We find the minimum energy by varying α. Denote by α0 the value of α at which E(α) is a minimum. Setting to zero the derivative of E(α) with respect to α yields the result α0= 27/16. The ground state energy is