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طرائف الفيزياء
مواضيع اخرى
Sidney B. Cahn Boris E. Nadgorny
الجزء والصفحة:
part 1 , p 75
Consider the motion of electrons in an axially symmetric magnetic field. Suppose that at z = 0 (the “median plane”) the radial component of the
Figure 1.1
magnetic field is 0, so B(z = 0) = B (r)ẑ. Electrons at z = 0 then follow a circular path of radius R (see Figure 1.1).
a) What is the relationship between the electron momentum p and the orbit radius R?
In a betatron, electrons are accelerated by a magnetic field which changes with time. Let (B) equal the average value of the magnetic field over the plane of the orbit (within the orbit), i.e.,
where Φ is the magnetic flux through the orbit. Let B0 equal B(r = R, z = 0).
b) Suppose (B) is changed by an amount (ΔB) and B0 is changed by ΔB0. How must (ΔB) be related to ΔB0 if the electrons are to remain at radius R as their momentum is increased?
c) Suppose the z component of the magnetic field near r = R and z = 0 varies with r as Bz (r) = B0(R) (R/r)n. Find the equations of motion for small departures from the equilibrium orbit in the median plane. There are two equations, one for small vertical changes and one for small radial changes. Neglect any coupling between radial and vertical motion.
d) For what range of n is the orbit stable against both vertical and radial perturbations?
a) Assume we have a magnetic field that is constant along and perpendicular to the plane of the orbit B (z = 0) = B(R) ẑ. The Lorentz force gives
We can substitute the energy ε for the momentum by using
and since the energy does not change in the magnetic field we have
or, separating into components,
Following a standard procedure, we multiply (4) by and add it to (3), which yields
where u = vx + ivy or
where A and α are real. Separating real and imaginary parts of (7), we obtain
From (8) and (9), we can see that
where v0 is the initial velocity of the particle, which as we assumed moves only in the x – y plane. Integrating again, we find
So the radius R is given by
b) From (12), the momentum
where B0 =B0 (R). Assuming that R does not change, we find from (13) that
If the magnetic field through the orbit is increased, a tangential electric field will be produced at the position of the orbit:
Therefore the rate of increase of the momentum is
Integrating (16), we obtain
Equating (14) and (17), we have
indicating that the change in flux through the orbit must be twice that which would have been obtained if the magnetic field were spatially uniform (Betatron rule 2:1).
c) Consider first the vertical displacement (we assume that the vertical and radial motions are decoupled)
where Since vz is much smaller than the velocity in the x–y plane, we disregard any change in γ due to changes in vz
where Br (R) is the radial B field at a radius R. Neglecting the space charge current and displacement current and using cylindrical coordinates, we may write
or, for small z,
Using the expression for Bz given in the problem,
and substituting it into (21) and then (20), we obtain
Taking v = ΩR from (12), (23) becomes
Therefore (24) exhibits oscillatory behavior along the z-axis which is stable if nΩ2 > 0 and so n > 0. The period of oscillation is then
For the radial motion, the Lorentz force FL is
For small deviations from equilibrium ρ ≡ r – R, we can write (26) in the form
where we again used (12) for the cyclotron frequency. We must also consider the centrifugal force
where we used the conservation of canonical angular momentum
Now, for small ρ,
Combining (27) and (29), we obtain
Since Fc (R) + FL (R) = 0 at equilibrium, we can write
Again, as for the vertical motion, we have an oscillation of frequency
This oscillation is stable if 1 – n > 0, or n < 1.
d) The condition for both radial and vertical stability will be the intersection of the two conditions for n, so