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Date: 2025-01-08
Date: 2023-11-06
Date: 2023-08-02
Summary: Hiatus, truncation and stress
Let us summarize the most important points of the foregoing discussion. We have seen that Raffelsiefen proposes interesting explanations for the intricacies of the phonological restrictions on -ize derivatives. From the broad range of data in appendix 1 a number of significant generalizations emerged that present serious empirical and theoretical problems for Raffelsiefen's model. Any attempt to formalize and explain the observed generalizations must account for the peculiar interaction of metrical and segmental structures, in particular the dependance of truncation, stem allomorph selection, and stress assignment on both the segmental and metrical make-up of the base or the derivative. None of the existing treatments of -ize provides such an analysis.
العمل من المنزل أو المكتب؟.. دراسة تكشف أيهما الأفضل لصحتك
عناكب المريخ.. ناسا ترصد ظاهرة غريبة
إحياءً لليوم الوطني للقرآن الكريم.. المجمع العلمي يواصل برنامجه التطويري الربيعي لطلبة حفظ القرآن الكريم