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Date: 2023-12-15
Date: 2024-04-12
Date: 29-3-2022
phonological patterns MARRY, MERRY, MARY
While these words have become homophones for a great many StAmE speakers, some or all of them are still distinguished in some regions by educated speakers. The pronunciation with [ε] for the set of words has spread from the North and North Midland regions. In the South, educated speakers still pronounce Mary with [e], and in the mid-Atlantic region educated speakers commonly pronounce words like marry, carry with [æ]. In the New York metropolitan area, educated speakers still commonly distinguish all three words.
كل ما تود معرفته عن أهم فيتامين لسلامة الدماغ والأعصاب
ماذا سيحصل للأرض إذا تغير شكل نواتها؟
بالتعاون مع العتبة العباسية مهرجان الشهادة الرابع عشر يشهد انعقاد مؤتمر العشائر في واسط