المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية

English Language
عدد المواضيع في هذا القسم 5718 موضوعاً
Reading Comprehension

Untitled Document
أبحث عن شيء أخر

الأفعال التي تنصب مفعولين
صيغ المبالغة
الجملة الإنشائية وأقسامها
اولاد الامام الحسين (عليه السلام)
معاني صيغ الزيادة
انواع التمور في العراق

isolating (adj.)  
483   05:26 مساءً   date: 2023-09-27
Author : David Crystal
Book or Source : A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics
Page and Part : 257-9

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Date: 2023-11-03 566
Date: 2023-11-23 514
Date: 2023-09-19 628

isolating (adj.)

A term which characterizes a type of LANGUAGE established by COMPARATIVE LINGUISTICS using STRUCTURAL (as opposed to DIACHRONIC) criteria, and focusing on the characteristics of the WORD: in isolating languages, all the words are invariable (and SYNTACTIC relationships are primarily shown by WORD-ORDER). Vietnamese, Chinese and many South-East Asian languages are often cited as good instances of isolating languages. As always with such general classifications, the CATEGORIES are not clear-cut: different languages will display the characteristics of isolation to a greater or lesser degree. An alternative term is ANALYTIC, seen as opposed to SYNTHETIC types of language (AGGLUTINATIVE and INFLECTING), where words contain more than one MORPHEME.