المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية

English Language
عدد المواضيع في هذا القسم 5731 موضوعاً
Reading Comprehension

Untitled Document
أبحث عن شيء أخر

الأفعال التي تنصب مفعولين
صيغ المبالغة
الجملة الإنشائية وأقسامها
اولاد الامام الحسين (عليه السلام)
معاني صيغ الزيادة
انواع التمور في العراق

formalization (n.)  
607   08:45 صباحاً   date: 2023-09-02
Author : David Crystal
Book or Source : A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics
Page and Part : 195-6

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Date: 2023-08-05 699
Date: 2024-01-30 563
Date: 2023-07-05 763

formalization (n.)

A characteristic of formulations in LINGUISTICS – and especially a primary goal of GENERATIVE analyses – whereby the RULES, PRINCIPLES, CONDITIONS, etc. governing an analysis are capable of being specified in a precise and rigorous way. Ultimately it ought to be possible, in any formalization, for a linguistic analysis to be interpreted in logical or mathematical terms, and a calculus developed. A ‘formalized’ account of an area of LANGUAGE, in this sense, is opposed to an ‘informal’ one. A specific feature, or set of features, used as part of the process of formalization, is known as a formalism.