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Date: 16-7-2022
Date: 25-6-2022
Date: 9-6-2022
The sequence [t + j] sometimes gives rise to palatoalveolar fricatives, as in words like ‘Tuesday’ and ‘question’, which can be pronounced with or with the sequence [tj]. For some speakers, the first syllable of ‘Tuesday’ may be homophonous with ‘chews’; but for others, there is a distinction between the two kinds of word. ‘Chews’ has lip-rounding throughout and an overall dark resonance; on the other hand ‘Tues-’ has increasing lip-rounding throughout the consonantal portion until the [u] vowel is reached, when lip-rounding is at a maximum. The friction is also not in the same place as for [ʃ]: it is further forward and is made with the blade of the tongue. It is alveolopalatal and transcribed as .
Similar observations could be made for ‘question’. Phonemicising this word as /kwεstʃən/ predicts that the consonant cluster /stʃ/ in the middle of the word should sound the same as in the sequence ‘nice church’. However, this does not seem quite accurate for all speakers, because the lip-rounding and tongue body posture in the two are different. In ‘question’, the friction is front and clear, and close to palatoalveolar, .
للتخلص من الإمساك.. فاكهة واحدة لها مفعول سحري
العلماء ينجحون لأول مرة في إنشاء حبل شوكي بشري وظيفي في المختبر
المجمع العلمي يصدر العددين الثامن والتاسع من مجلة الذكر العلمية المحكمة