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Date: 2023-10-19
Date: 2024-01-02
Date: 2023-11-13
There are three main kinds of sound that are easily distinguishable on a spectrogram, corresponding to three acoustic categories. Sounds can be periodic (that is, regularly repeating), or aperiodic (that is, random). Aperiodic sounds in speech can be either continuous (like fricatives such as [s f θ]) or transient (that is, short and momentary), like [p t k]. Each has a different appearance on a spectrogram and in waveforms.
Figure 3.3 is a spectrogram of the word ‘spend’. This word illustrates the three main kinds of sound.
للتخلص من الإمساك.. فاكهة واحدة لها مفعول سحري
العلماء ينجحون لأول مرة في إنشاء حبل شوكي بشري وظيفي في المختبر
قسم العلاقات العامّة ينظّم برنامجاً ثقافياً لوفد من أكاديمية العميد لرعاية المواهب