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Date: 25-3-2017
Date: 1-1-2021
Date: 5-4-2017
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Use of 1/M Plots
Because the subcritical multiplication factor is related to the value of keff, it is possible to monitor the approach to criticality through the use of the subcritical multiplication factor. As positive reactivity is added to a subcritical reactor, keff will get nearer to one. As keff gets nearer to one, the subcritical multiplication factor (M) gets larger. The closer the reactor is to criticality, the faster M will increase for equal step insertions of positive reactivity. When the reactor becomes critical, M will be infinitely large. For this reason, monitoring and plotting M during an approach to criticality is impractical because there is no value of M at which the reactor clearly becomes critical.
Instead of plotting M directly, its inverse (1/M) is plotted on a graph of 1/M versus rod height.
As control rods are withdrawn and keff approaches one and M approaches infinity, 1/M approaches zero. For a critical reactor, 1/M is equal to zero. A true 1/M plot requires knowledge of the neutron source strength. Because the actual source strength is usually unknown, a reference count rate is substituted, and the calculation of the factor 1/M is through the use of Equation (1-1).
1/M = inverse multiplication factor
CRo = reference count rate
CR = current count rate
In practice, the reference count rate used is the count rate prior to the beginning of the reactivity change. The startup procedures for many reactors include instructions to insert positive reactivity in incremental steps with delays between the reactivity insertions to allow time for subcritical multiplication to increase the steady-state neutron population to a new, higher level and allow more accurate plotting of 1/M. The neutron population will typically reach its new steady-state value within 1-2 minutes, but the closer the reactor is to criticality, the longer the time will be to stabilize the neutron population.
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