المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية
آخر المواضيع المضافة

English Language
عدد المواضيع في هذا القسم 6348 موضوعاً
Reading Comprehension

Untitled Document
أبحث عن شيء أخر المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية

نتائج الهجرة - النتائج الاجتماعية
سائل النخاع الشوكي (Cerebrospinal Fluid)
Munching Squares
الاشكال أو القوالب الصحفية في المجلة- المقال
خصائص نزول سورة القدر
لقطة حوار الكاميرا Stand Upper) piece To Camera- مكان تصويرها

A deep joke  
598   07:24 مساءً   date: 8/9/2022
Author : L.A Hill
Book or Source : Advanced steps to understanding
Page and Part : 46-1

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Date: 17/10/2022 1003
Date: 10/9/2022 779
Date: 2/9/2022 1128

Mrs. Black was old ad rich. She lived in a splendid house and owned a lot of valuable things. Then she died, and there was a big funeral. Notices were sent out to relatives and friends, and they came from far and near to attend the funeral.

The service took place in Mrs. Black's old church, and then her body was taken back to be buried in a special place in her garden, The hearse carrying her body moved along slowly, followed by the relatives and friends, the women and children in cars, and the men on foot.

One of Mrs. Black's cousins saw a poorly dressed man following the hearse and crying bitterly.

The cousin said to him kindly, 'Were you a relative of the dead woman too?

"No,' the man answered.

‘Then why are you crying?" the dead woman's relative asked.

That's exactly why I'm crying,' the poorly dressed man answered.


A    Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write Tor F in the boxes.

  1. Mrs. Black sent notices to her relatives and friends.
  2. A lot of people came to the funeral.
  3. Mrs. Black was buried in her old church.
  4. The men walked behind the hearse, but the women and children did not.
  5. The poorly dressed man had been a cousin of Mrs. Black's.
  6. The poorly dressed man was crying because he would not get anything from the dead woman.


B  Answer these questions.

  1. Who came to Mrs. Black's funeral?
  2. Whom did one of Mrs. Black's cousins see?
  3. What was he doing?
  4. What did the cousin say to him?
  5. What did he answer?
  6. What did the cousin say then?
  7. And what was the man's answer?
  8. Why was he crying?


С Opposites: Find words in the story on page 46 which mean about the opposite of:

  1. Be absent from.
  2. Cruelly.
  3. Dug up.
  4. expensively
  5. general  
  6. going in front of
  7. living
  8. miserable
  9. sweetly
  10. valueless