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Date: 8-8-2016
Date: 19-5-2019
Date: 24-8-2016
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Molality is used in thermodynamic calculations where a temperature independent unit of concentration is needed. Molarity is based on the volume of solution containing the solute. Since density is a temperature dependent property a solution’s volume, and thus its molar concentration, changes with temperature. By using the solvent’s mass in place of the solution’s volume, the resulting concentration becomes independent of temperature.
اكتشاف الخرف مبكرا بعلامتين.. تظهران قبل 11 عاما
العراق يفوز بمنصب نائب رئيس لجنة الشرق الأوسط لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة للسياحة
قسم بين الحرمين يعلن عن جاهزيته لاستقبال زائري النصف من شعبان