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Date: 12-1-2020
Date: 25-2-2016
Date: 11-1-2020
Properties and Uses of Polyisoprene
Polyisoprene is a synthetic polymer (elastomer) that can be vulcanized by the addition of sulfur. cis-Polyisoprene has properties similar to that of natural rubber. It is characterized by high tensile strength and insensitivity to temperature changes, but it has low abrasion resistance. It is attacked by oxygen and hydrocarbons.
trans-Polyisoprene is similar to Gutta percha, which is produced from the leaves and bark of the sapotacea tree. It has different properties from the cis form and cannot be vulcanized. Few commercial uses are based on trans-polyisoprene. Important uses of cis-polyisoprene include the production of tires, specialized mechanical products, conveyor belts, footwear, and insulation.
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