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Date: 12-7-2017
Date: 30-3-2019
Date: 12-7-2017
Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
There are two general approaches to balancing an oxidation-reduction reaction. Sometimes one is easier, sometimes the other, so it is best to master both. Both methods start with the same two steps:
1. Write a skeleton equation that includes major reactants and products. For aqueous solution reactions, H2O(l), H+(aq), OH-(aq), and spectator ions like Na+(aq) may be ignored at this stage.
2. Determine the oxidation numbers of all elements. Find out which element is oxidized and which is reduced. Determine the change in oxidation number.
خطر خفي في أكياس الشاي يمكن أن يضر صحتك على المدى البعيد
دراسة تكشف عن حياة "غريبة" في أعماق الأرض
العتبة العلويّة المقدّسة تقيم فعالية العرض المسرحي "سيد الكلام" احتفاءً بذكرى ولادة أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام)