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مواضيع اخرى

علم الفيزياء : الفيزياء الحديثة : الليزر : مواضيع عامة في الليزر :

Phase Coherence of Stimulated Emission

المؤلف:  Walter Koechner Michael Bass

المصدر:  Solid-state Lasers

الجزء والصفحة:  20



Phase Coherence of Stimulated Emission

The stimulated emission provides a phase-coherent amplification mechanism for an applied signal. The signal extracts from the atoms a response that is directly proportional to, and phase-coherent with, the electric field of the stimulating signal. Thus the amplification process is phase-preserving. The stimulated emission is, in fact, completely indistinguishable from the stimulating radiation field. This means that the stimulated emission has the same directional properties, same polarization, same phase, and same spectral characteristics as the stimulating emission.
These facts are responsible for the extremely high degree of coherence that characterizes the emission from lasers. The proof of this fact is beyond the scope of this elementary introduction, and requires a quantum mechanical treatment of the interaction between radiation and matter. However, the concept of induced transition, or the interaction between a signal and an atomic system, can be demonstrated, qualitatively, with the aid of the classical electron-oscillator model. Electromagnetic radiation interacts with matter through the electric charges in the substance. Consider an electron that is elastically bound to a nucleus. One can think of electrons and ions held together by spring-type bonds which are capable of vibrating around equilibrium positions. An applied electric field will cause a relative displacement between the electron and nucleus from their equilibrium position. They will execute an oscillatory motion about their equilibrium position.
Therefore, the model exhibits an oscillatory or resonant behavior and a response to an applied field. Since the nucleus is so much heavier than the electron, we assume that only the electronmoves. The most important model for understanding the interaction of light and matter is that of the harmonic oscillator. We take as our model a single electron, assumed to be bound to its equilibrium position by a linear restoring force.We may visualize the electron as a point of mass suspended by springs. Classical electromagnetic theory asserts that any oscillating electric charge will act as a miniature antenna or dipole and will continuously radiate away electromagnetic energy to its surroundings.


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