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علم الفيزياء : الفيزياء الحديثة : الليزر : مواضيع عامة في الليزر :

Saturation and Pump Beam Depletion

المؤلف:  Walter Koechner Michael Bass

المصدر:  Solid-state Lasers

الجزء والصفحة:  368



Saturation and Pump Beam Depletion

When the Q-switched pump pulse is incident on the nonlinear crystal, the signal and ideal waves are amplified from the initial noise level. The number of round trips in the optical cavity necessary to amplify the signal and idler waves, multiplied by the cavity round-trip time, determines the delay in achieving threshold.
This build-up time, required to achieve parametric oscillation, causes a temporal compression of the OPO output with respect to the pump pulse. Above threshold, after a short transition period during which a steady-state condition is established, the pump power is limited at the threshold value. Any pump input power above threshold is divided into power at the signal and idler beams. Since ν3 = ν12, it follows that for each input pump photon above threshold, one photon at the signal and idler wavelengths is generated.
The oscilloscope trace in Fig. 1, taken from the OPO, shows the dynamics of signal generation very nicely. The dashed curve is the input pump pulse. The two solid curves display the signal pulse and the depleted pump pulse at the output of the OPO. During the early part of the

FIGURE 1. Oscilloscope trace showing the depleted pump and the generated OPO output at 1.61μm (solid curves) and the input pump (dashed curve).

pump pulse, there is a transient period during which the oscillation builds up from noise. After the transient period, the pump beam is clamped at its threshold value until the pump power falls below threshold.


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