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Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
Walter Koechner Michael Bass
Solid-state Lasers
الجزء والصفحة:
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
In this process an optical beam interacts with an acoustic wave in the medium. The acoustic wave is associated with the propagation of pressure in the medium, leading to periodic density fluctuations. Electrostriction provides the coupling mechanism between the acoustic wave and electromagnetic wave, that is, a local compression of the medium in response to the strength of the electromagnetic field. An incident laser beam can scatter with the periodic index variations associated with a propagating acoustic wave. The interaction is stimulated because the acoustic and scattered waves can grow as the pump beam is depleted. The acousto-optic interaction with the laser pump beam depends on the intensity of the pump, just as in stimulated Raman scattering; therefore the polarizability is a function of E2. The four-wave mixing process is characterized by two electromagnetic fields with the same frequency ωp interacting with an acoustic wave of frequency ωa to produce a fourth wave at ωp − ωa. The frequency of the acoustic wave is determined by the conservation of energy and momentum. The stimulated wave is usually radiated backward toward the incoming pump beam. The acoustical frequency for a backward wave is ωa = 2ωp(n0va/c), where va is the speed of sound in the medium. Since va is very small compared to the speed of light in the medium c/n0, the frequency shift is very small.
Acoustic waves occur at frequencies orders of magnitude smaller than molecular vibrations. Brillouin scattering is therefore frequency shifted from the incident radiation by a much smaller amount as compared to Raman scattering. From an engineering point of view, interest in Brillouin scattering is not related to the frequency shift which occurs in the interaction, but in the phase-conjugate reflection of the pump beam.