salih & the special camel
8:3:0 2018-06-21 1774

The people of Thamud

lived in a valley

called al-Hajr

in the north of Arabia.

It was a good land

so everything grew very easily.

Cattle and sheep grazed

on the land.


had plenty of everything.

When people have a lot

they sometimes forget

who provides everything,

they sometimes forget Allah.

When this happens

Allah sends a messenger

or a prophet

to try to help the people.

To the people of Thamud,

Allah sent Salih.

Salih told the people

to remember Allah

but a lot of people just


at him and would

not listen.

He did not give up.

He still tried to persuade

them to worship Allah

and soon people

began to listen.

They realised Salih was right.

The leaders of Thamud

were upset by this.

They did not want people

to listen to Salih.

They did not believe Salih

was sent by Allah.

They wanted him to prove it,

they wanted a sign.

They told Salih

to bring them a camel

but it had

to be a

special camel.

Salih prayed to Allah

and Allah sent

the special camel.

The camel gave lots and

lots of milk so all the poor

people had enough to drink,

and they were very happy.

The leaders of Thamud


angry again to see Salih

and his followers so happy.

They decided

to kill the camel.

Salih told them that Allah

would punish them.

Salih took all the good people

away from the valley.

A terrible earthquake came

and destroyed the valley

and all the bad people.

If they had listened to Salih

they would have been saved.

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